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Our Team Leads

Meet our Team Leads; who share a passion for ensuring Avery Eye Care Center patients have a positive eye care experience and feel a life-long connection to the practice.

Jenny Morrison, Office Administrator

Jenny has been working at Avery Eye Care Center since 2007. She loves this job because there is always something new and exciting to learn and loves being able to help patients out.

She graduated from Lansing Community College with an associate’s degree and went on to Ross Medical Education Center to become a Medical Assistant.

Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her husband, Will, and two children, Nayeli and Chayten. Her children are her greatest achievement and there is nothing in this world better than being their mom.

Dahnielle Scharphorn, Billing Director

Dahnielle has worked at Avery Eye Care Center for 4 years and her favorite thing about working here is being able to help patients and being in a family friendly environment.
She has a bachelor’s degree from Baker College in Criminal Science and a certification in Business Administration from Career Quest.
Outside of the office, Dahnielle likes to go up north and spend time with her family, her 2 dogs, Mel and Lilly, and her bunny Chewy. She also enjoys reading and being outdoors, which includes swimming, going for walks, and archery.

Ruthie Gillespie, Contact Lens Coordinator

Ruthie has worked at Avery Eye Care Center since 2000 and is the Contact Lens Coordinator. She is passionate about helping patients and forming a bond with those patients and families over the years.

She is happily married with two sons and two granddaughters. In her spare time, she enjoys exercising, and reading, but mostly being with her family.

Chanelle Hale, Optical Director

Chanelle grew up in Stockbridge, Michigan. She went to a Technical College for the Medical Assistant program where she moved out west for a short period of time before coming back to Michigan and working at Avery.

In her spare time, she enjoys kayaking, reading, swimming, crafting, being in the sun, grooming dogs, and doing some cardio drumming.

Chanelle likes her job because its always growing and changing and Avery is her second family!

Photo of LynsiLynsi Mrazek, Clinical Coordinator

Lynsi has been working at Avery Eye Care since June 2018. She loves this job because there is something new to learn every day and enjoys the challenges that are brought daily. She also enjoys working first hand with the doctors.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, daughter and 2 dogs. She also likes to do art work, read, watch movies, listen to music and being outdoors.

Beth Tkaczyk, Customer Service Director

Beth grew up in Ithaca but now lives near Owosso. She has worked at Avery since 2019 and went to Baker College and got her bachelor’s degree in Healthcare administration and applied science. Her favorite thing about working at Avery Eye Care is her coworkers and helping patients. Beth is happily married with two kids. In her free time, she enjoys riding horses, traveling, and spending time with her family.